After my exams today I went to have lunch with Miguel. Afterwards Miguel took the train to Miyahara where I picked him up to hang out in Itoga. I also prayed at the oldest shrine in Japan, which just happens to be in my town. It is called Inari Jinjya. I showed him around the town, but he was extremely tired because he was up late studying for his exams last night. He went home at around 3, and I took the train back to Minoshima to buy a parting gift for my host family. I bought them a nice teapot. I will give it to them tomorrow morning.
The teapot |
Then I came back home took a nap until I was awoken by my host grandma. She told me that my obaachan was calling to see if I wanted to see my ojichan, grandpa, soon. I went to see my ojichan who is currently staying in a senior home in Hatsushima. I played shogi with him. He is the person who originally taught me the basics of shogi. We played 3 games. He used to be a lot better than me, but now I am able to beat him. I won all three times and the last match I played without a rook. However I think that he is still a very good player and he is still very competitive when I play with a handicap.
Ojichan setting up his pieces |
Then I went home to cook dinner. My former kantoku, baseball coach, told me that I had to make one meal for the family while I stayed at the host family. I made hamburgers. In Japan the meat has to be well done, so I had to make well done hamburgers. There are a couple other compromises I had to make such as the bun. They don't sell hamburger rolls here, so I had to get regular bread and change a couple things up.
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